Scozzoli Maurizio

A veterinary surgeon, Maurizio Scozzoli practised veterinary medicine, treating both productive livestock and family pets. Medicinal plants in veterinary medicine have always been his special interest and he has collaborated with several Italian and European University Institutes. He obtained a II level Master’s degree in Clinical Herbal Therapy from the Medical and Surgical Faculty of Florence University, and has worked as a consultant and co-supervisor of degree dissertations dealing with medicinal herbs and their use in veterinary medicine. Scozzoli has held various university courses and training sessions in herbal medicine, attending and presenting his work on medicinal plants, extracts and essential oils at numerous congresses. He completed a II level Master’s degree in Cosmetic Science and Technology at the Pharmacology Faculty of Siena University. Scozzoli is on the board of S.I.R.O.E., the Italian Society for Research into Essential Oils, and is a member of S.I.FIT., the Italian Society of Herbal Therapy.

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